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Kidz ’N the Park – Austin Area

Kidz ‘N the Park non-competitive events

celebrate student performers of every age!

Students perform in public on-site at major amusement parks and recreation facilities. Each group receives positive feedback and a participation trophy.

A Kidz ‘N the Park Non-Competitive Event:

  • Rewards students for their accomplishments
  • Provides team-building experiences as a foundation for the future
  • Combines an informal performance on-site with recreation just steps away

What the Package Includes:

  • On-site performance area with chairs, music stands, choral risers, electronic keyboard, bass drum, timpani
  • Set-up assistance and introduction by Event Site Host
  • Post-performance words of encouragement from the Event Site Host
  • Performance trophy
  • Venue Meal and Activities (unique to each venue)

Kidz ‘n the Park Sites are:

  • Vetted for student safety and security
  • Affordably priced

Kidz ‘N the Park festivals will be scheduled for multiple weekends in May.

  • Friday, May 2
  • Friday, May 16

Austin Area venue:

  • Pinstack Austin
    500 W. Canyon Ridge Dr., Austin, TX  78753


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